No Land Escapes: Opening Reception

No Land Escapes: Opening Reception

No-Land-Escapes-postcard-frontNo Land Escapes, curated by Barbara McPhail, is an art exhibit by six artists from New York State and Wisconsin whose work speaks to the environmental, health, and social issues of continued fossil fuel development, as well as water issues. The exhibit includes printmakers and will feature unusual scale, sculptural/print combinations, innovative and traditional techniques, and artists from varied geographic locations. The stories told in the images are informative, heartbreaking and hold this self-evident truth: no landscape involved in fossil fuel development escapes environmental impact.

The artists are Pamela Drix, Elizabeth Durand, Craig Mains, Barbara McPhail, Teri Power and Kathleen Sherin.

The opening reception is Friday, Feb. 1 from 5 to 8pm, at the Ink Shop (on the 2nd floor of the CSMA building at 330 E. State Street in Ithaca).


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